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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Present Perfect

Hi first semester students
This is the series of activities for you to practice
the Present Perfect tense

Video HERE

Practice # 1 HERE

Practice# 2 HERE

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First semester´s practice

Hi everyone,

today´s practice is all about

Well, not this kind of possessives, but possessive nouns, how to work with them and some practices.

Explanation: click HERE
Practice 1: click HERE
Practice 2: click HERE
Once you finish send me a message via mail to add an extra decimal to your grades. Bye!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Beginning a new service

Hi everyone..

Beginning this week a new feature will be available for you.

A podcast, suscribe to it!

New releases every week.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Week One, activity three

Dear first semester students, we have finished our first week
and it´s time for a little fun, visit TOUCHSTONE ARCADE

Resultado de imagen para Touchstone arcade

and do the activities that correspond to the Red book Unit 1
any questions will be discussed in class on Monday.

Week Two activity one

Resultado de imagen para animals olympic games
Dear first semester students, there´s a new activity to work with this week.
Please visit YouTube and watch the following video.
Do not expect any dialogs, rather you are going to be focused
on the actions those different animals are performing during the video.
Come up with 10 sentences, use you PoE.

Week One, activity two

Dear first semester students, since during this week and the following we are going to discuss the structure of what we call the simple present in English, here´s an additional assignment I set for you.

First, go HERE and search for a document that is entitled Portfolio of Evidence. You are going to need many during the semester so download the document to your PC. Print this time a sheet of paper and start filling it out with the following information:
  1. Your complete name
  2. Semester and group
  3. Due date means the limit you have to turn this document in, your deadline.
  4. Function means the topic to make the research about
  5. Context is what that context is useful for
  6. Exponent is all about the examples. Every function you work with you have to provide 10 full sentences
  7. Very Important: Once you print your document, fill this information out by hand, copy and paste is not allowed and you are going to be penalized for doing it.
You first assignment is to research is Expressing the Simple Present, (explain all the different information that can be expressed with it)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Week One, activity one

First Semester activity

Hi, new students, there's a little activity I set up for you, the steps are:

Click HERE and listen to a questionnaire, you are copying the first 4 questions and the last 4. Do not provide the answers, the aim is the questions. 

In the comments field please tell if you found it difficult to understand (provide your reasons as well)

Finally, answer the questions with your own answers to my official mail. If a particular question was too difficult, skip it and continue with the ones you fully understand. 


Sunday, July 31, 2016

2016 Welcome

Welcome to our New Semester

If you are first semester student, please go to the comments section and provide with the information about the following questions. Please use full sentences in your answers.

1.- What´s your name?
2.- How old are you?
3.- How much have you studied English?
4.- Did you find English difficult at Junior High?
5.- Is there a kind of activity you enjoyed the most? Please describe it.
6.- How do you plan to improve your English?